The benefits of Invisalign

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If you have found yourself desiring a more straight and aesthetic smile, you may be considering the available options. Our smile is a such an important representation of who we are, how we feel, and it is a source of joy for others as well. These are just a couple of the reasons why we all desire to have a beautiful smile. Many people are nixing the conventional metal braces and heading over to an Invisalign dentist in Las Colinas. Conventional metal braces require much more difficult maintenance and are physically less aesthetically pleasing to people over the alternative option of Invisalign, one of the best options out there for straightening your teeth. Let’s talk about it.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a clear aligner, they typically come in a number of sets based on the condition of your teeth’s current alignment. How many aligners you need and for how long will depend on your teeth.

What are the benefits?

#1 Invisalign is quick

In many cases, Invisalign can actually work much quicker than your conventional metal braces. Some cases can take only as little as six months. This is of course dependent on each particular person and their case, as some Invisalign cases can take up to thirty months. But generally, it is a much quicker option than the conventional metal braces.

Not only is the duration of wearing Invisalign typically shorter, but you will spend much less time on your oral hygiene routine. With metal braces, it is much more difficult to keep your teeth clean. You have to use special tools and spend a lot of extra time in order to ensure that you clear out any food or plaque that gets in between your brackets. With Invisalign, you simply take off the clear aligner and brush and floss your teeth as usual.

Going to your orthodontist for regular checkups will also go a lot quicker. Since your doctor simply has to give you your next aligner, you won’t have to sit in the chair for long periods of time while each individual bracket is tightened.

#2 Invisalign is nearly invisible!

Hardly anyone will ever even be able to tell that you have anything on your teeth with Invisalign. The clear aligners fit so custom snug to your teeth, that it’s nearly impossible to see them. This also helps a lot in terms of comfort. Many people enjoy that they can technically remove the aligner whenever they please. However, this is not suggested since wearing your aligners as much as possible is necessary to stay on track with your course. 

#3 Invisalign is comfortable

Without metal wires, brackets, or rubber bands pulling on your teeth or poking at the soft tissues on the inside of your mouth, you will find that Invisalign is much more comfortable than metal braces. And say goodbye to that messy bracket wax!

#4 You can eat and drink what you want with Invisalign

One of people’s favorite things about Invisalign is the freedom to eat and drink what they please. As you can take the clear aligners out of your mouth whenever you eat or drink, you no longer have to worry about sticky or hard foods getting caught in or damaging your braces.

If you are looking for a trusted, reliable, and knowledgeable cosmetic dentist in Las Colinas, look no further. Here at Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, our team of experts can help you with all of your dental needs. Contact us today and let us help you and your family to keep on smiling.