How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

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Having bad breath every so often, in the mornings or after a garlic-filled meal is normal. However, for those who suffer from bad breath throughout their day, it can be embarrassing and affect your day-to-day activities. There are various reasons behind bad breath, and understanding them can help you conquer them. Keep reading to learn more about what causes bad breath as well as how to prevent it.

What causes bad breath?

Did you know that 90% of bad breath is caused by the bacteria in your mouth in between your teeth, on your tongue, and in your throat? Whenever the bacteria break down various food particles and salivary proteins located in your mouth, odorous compounds are released.

While food and food breakdown are the main cause of bad breath, not eating can also cause bad breath. When you go too long without eating, it causes the bacteria to grow and the saliva production lowers, leading to an overproduction of bacteria with no cleansing solution.

While the food breakdown or lack of food break down process are common causes of bad breath, so is the general consumption of particular foods. When you eat things like garlic, onion, etc., they go on to be metabolized. The odor is then produced and excreted from the lungs and in perspiration than from the actual oral cavity.

How can you prevent bad breath?

The best place to start in preventing bad breath is in your mouth, by engaging in healthy oral care habits. This means, brushing your teeth at least twice a day (or after every meal if you can.) It also means, flossing at least once a day. You should also be visiting your dentist for a dental cleaning in Irving every 6 months to get rid of built-up plaque and prevent tooth decay.

If you don’t always have access to a toothbrush after every meal, the next best thing you can do is to vigorously swish water around in your mouth to help loosen up food particles that are stuck in and in between your teeth. Remember the importance of staying hydrated for not only your overall health but for your oral health. Dehydration can lead to a dry mouth, and a lack of saliva production leads to bad breath.

If you are still suffering from bad breath after engaging in normal daily oral care habits, there are other steps you can take to help prevent it. While the tongue is a popular home for bacteria to hide out, you may want to consider getting a tongue scraper. Use your tongue scraper twice daily. You can also add mouthwash to your routine. Purchase a mouthwash that contains zinc chloride to help kill off the bad-breath-causing germs in your mouth.

Another good way to conquer bad breath is to carry around some sugar-free mint gum. Chewing gum is great in aiding your mouth’s cleansing process as it stimulates the production of saliva, which wards off the bad bacteria that cause bad breath.

Ensure your oral health

Overall, good oral hygiene is usually the best preventative measure to take to avoid bad breath. Schedule an appointment with our trusted Irving dentist today to make sure your oral health is in check. Our experienced team at Cosmetic and Family Dentistry prioritize you and your family first. Call us today to schedule an appointment.