How to Choose the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste

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While regular dental examinations and cleanings are necessary for a healthy smile, the most important things that will protect your dental health are the daily habits you are implementing at home. Seemingly basic habits, such as flossing and brushing your teeth, have a significant impact on your dental health AND overall health.

Not only will regular brushing make it easier to maintain healthy teeth and gums, but these habits can prevent serious systemic health issues as well. So, it’s worth the investment to choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste to ensure that you are taking care of your oral health properly.

Tips for Choosing the Right Toothbrush

It might seem simple to buy a toothbrush, but you can become quickly overwhelmed when you start looking at the dental health aisle at a local grocery store or drug store. There are so many different types of toothbrushes, with varying colors, sizes, features, and bristles!

Here are several things to keep in mind when you are choosing a toothbrush:

  • Manual Toothbrush vs. Electric Toothbrush: A manual (basic and common) toothbrush is familiar and affordable. But there are often times when it makes sense for a person to use an electric toothbrush instead. The truth is that an electric toothbrush can offer a more thorough cleaning. Also, these electric features are ideal for people who are struggling with proper teeth brushing or might be limited by dexterity challenges.
  • Toothbrush Bristle Types: Next, you will need to consider the type of toothbrush bristles you prefer. For healthy gums, most dentists recommend the use of a soft-bristled toothbrush so that you can avoid damage. If you are too aggressive with a hard-bristle brush, then it can cause gum recession and irritation. So, soft bristles are usually the best way to go.
  • Size and Shape: Consider the size of your mouth when choosing the ideal toothbrush size. If you have a small mouth or you are buying a toothbrush for your child, then a smaller toothbrush head is usually the best solution. You need to make sure that the toothbrush head can comfortably reach all areas of the mouth.
  • Additional Features: Some toothbrushes come with additional features, or you might buy other dental health tools. Examples, include tongue scrapers to clean the tongue and reduce bad breath or an ergonomic handle that is easier to grip so that you can control the movements of the toothbrush.

How do you know when it’s time to replace your toothbrush? The general recommendation is that your toothbrush should be replaced every 3 – 4 months. If you are using an electric toothbrush, then you simply need to change out the toothbrush head. Pay attention to the appearance of the toothbrush bristles because the brush might need to be replaced more frequently if you can see that the bristles are frayed or worn out.

How to Choose the Right Toothpaste

Now that you’ve selected a good toothbrush, it’s time to pick the right toothpaste. Here is an overview of some of the most common types of toothpaste you might consider:

  • Fluoride Toothpaste: Look for a toothpaste brand that contains fluoride. This ingredient is important for strengthening the tooth enamel so you can reduce the risk of tooth decay. Most popular toothpaste brands contain fluoride. Talk to your dentist, and it’s likely that they will recommend the use of toothpaste with fluoride.
  • Anticavity Toothpaste: If you have a high risk of cavities or a history of tooth decay, then your dentist might prescribe you a special anticavity toothpaste. This product contains a higher fluoride content compared to the normal over-the-counter brands, which is why it is so effective at reducing the risk of cavities.
  • Sensitivity Toothpaste: Do you suffer from highly sensitive teeth? Then sensitivity toothpaste can be a good option to consider, making it easier to eat your favorite cold foods. If the sensitivity persists, then make sure to talk to your dentist because it could be a sign of an underlying issue that needs to be treated.
  • Whitening Toothpaste: Everyone wants a whiter smile, which is why most toothpaste brands include whitening ingredients. Keep in mind that these whitening toothpastes can have abrasive ingredients, which means they can damage the enamel if you are using them excessively.
  • Gum Health Toothpaste: If you have the early stages of gum disease, then your dentist might recommend the use of gum health toothpaste. This toothpaste has special ingredients that help to fight the infection-causing bacteria along the gumline.
  • Children’s Toothpaste: When you are buying toothpaste for a young child, then make sure it is a formula designed for children with lower fluoride concentrations. There is a higher likelihood that the child will swallow the toothpaste instead of spitting it out, so you need to make sure the fluoride content is lower to avoid toxicity. Also, children should always be supervised while brushing their teeth.


How to choose the right toothbrush for sensitive teeth?

If you have sensitive teeth, then a soft-bristled brush is ideal to avoid irritation while brushing.

What is the best electric toothbrush for plaque removal?

While most electric toothbrushes are better than basic toothbrushes, most dentists agree that some electric toothbrushes work better than others. For example, your dentist might recommend the use of a Sonicare toothbrush over the brushes that move the bristles in a circular motion.

What is the best toothpaste for whitening teeth?

Look for a toothpaste brand that has whitening ingredients. Most of these products will have whitening included in the marketing information on the front of the package.

How to brush your teeth properly?

Make sure to get the best benefits from your toothbrush and toothpaste by using these dental health tools correctly. Our dental team can provide a personalized tutorial on how to brush your teeth properly, including holding the brush at the right angle, the amount of time you should be brushing, and the types of movements you should be using.

Talk to the Dental Health Experts for More Information

If you have questions about choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste, then the best time to get more information is during your routine cleaning and examination. We recommend that everyone maintain a schedule of dental check-ups every six months. Our team will evaluate your dental health and offer recommendations to improve your brushing and flossing habits at home.

When you are ready to learn more, contact Cosmetic & Family Dentistry of Las Colinas.