The Las Colinas Smiles Blog
How Smoking Affects Your Mouth
Smoking's Effect On Your Mouth Should Not Be Overlooked Smoking’s effect in developing cardiovascular disease and lung cancer has become well documented over the years. However, how smoking affects your mouth is a much less talked about issue, yet one that is just as serious. The effect smoking has on your mouth has become an increasingly popular topic over the past decade. Studies have proven that smokers are far more likely to develop periodontal diseases over nonsmokers. There are countless health issues and oral concerns that smoking leads to. One of the most serious conditions is gum disease. Smoking and…
Read MoreWhat Causes Chronic Bad Breath?
Halitosis is the Medical Condition for Bad Breath Bad breath can be the cause of embarrassment and anxiety for many people. Our senses often get used to the scents coming from our bodies, so it can be hard for you to recognize if your breath does, in fact, smell bad. Sometimes the best way to tell if you have bad breath is to just ask a friend. There are many who struggle with this but still wonder what causes chronic bad breath. A number of reasons can lead to chronic bad breath from a lack of proper oral hygiene to…
Read MoreHow Long Does It Take to Straighten Teeth with Invisalign?
Invisalign Treatment Varies from Case to Case For those in the world with crooked teeth, there is finally a successful alternative to braces. Invisalign continues to grow in popularity as people all over the world praise these aligners for their comfort and near invisibility. They present a more aesthetically pleasing option as opposed to braces. However, many have questioned how long it takes to straighten teeth with Invisalign. The answer may not be as straightforward as many people would like. How Long It Really Takes For those who wonder how long it takes to see results using Invisalign, the simple…
Read MoreFoods that Promote a Healthy Smile
A Healthy Diet is as Important to Your Teeth as Your Body It is commonly known that a good diet can go a long way in improving the overall health of your body. However, what you eat also plays quite a large role in the health of your teeth as well. There are plenty of foods that promote a healthy smile, but there are just as many that have a negative effect on the whiteness of your teeth. The American Dental Association (ADA) notes that one of the first areas to decline with a poor diet is your oral health.…
Read MoreRecognizing Oral Health Issues
Your Oral Health is Connected to Your Overall Health Taking care of your oral hygiene and health should be a regular part of anyone’s daily routine. Many people do not truly grasp how important maintaining your oral health truly is. The health of your mouth plays an essential role in your overall health and well-being. If you don’t take the proper care of your mouth, you will not only be at risk of developing cavities and gum disease but can also heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and more. This is why it is so important to recognize any oral health issues…
Read MoreMisconceptions about True Laser Teeth Whitening
True Laser Teeth Whitening Can Easily Improve Your Smile Our teeth are an extremely important part of our overall look. It can say a lot about an individual. They are often the first things others notice about us. However, as time goes by, our teeth may begin to lose their shine. The food you eat, drinks you consume, and your overall lifestyle choices can have a great impact on the whiteness of your teeth. This has led many to try true laser teeth whitening. There are many reasons people turn to teeth whitening, from their teeth turning a more yellowish…
Read MorePreventing Oral Cancer
Oral Cancer Can Dr.astically Affect Your Life When it comes to managing your oral health, the majority of people focus their attention on eliminating bad breath, improving the whiteness of their teeth, or preventing cavities. While all of these are important to focus on, they are not the only issues that need attention. Oral cancer is a very real and dangerous condition that deserves more focus. Oral cancer refers to cancer that develops in or around the mouth like on the: Lips Gums Cheeks Tongue Roof and Floor of the Mouth Oral cancer is often grouped in the same category…
Read MoreHow to Prevent Cavities from Forming
Cavities are One of the Greatest Dangers for Your Teeth From the moment our teeth start growing in, we are told to take extremely good care of them. After all, our teeth are vital to our overall health. They help us eat by breaking down food. They can also be a point of pride for many as a good smile can improve people’s self-esteem. While we are constantly told about the importance of proper dental hygiene, not everyone practices these techniques. Children especially struggle to adequately keep up with caring for their teeth. However, one in four adults have a…
Read MoreGingivitis: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments
Proper Oral Hygiene Can Prevent Gingivitis. Maintaining proper oral hygiene is easy and should be practiced by everyone. It is as simple as brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily. When these practices are not done or done improperly, your oral hygiene and teeth suffer. Your mouth can develop bad breath, your teeth can develop cavities, and your gums could develop any number of diseases. One of these such diseases is gingivitis. What is Gingivitis? Gingivitis is a relatively common, non-destructive form of gum disease. It occurs when plaque, a naturally-occurring, bacteria containing film, builds on the teeth,…
Read MoreMake Your Dr.eam Smile A Reality with Cosmetic Dentistry
Veneers transform your smile For many people, your smiles are often the first things people notice about you. They can begin to form opinions and make first impressions about you based purely on your smile. Teeth play a large role in making an impression on others. While it isn’t always the best to form opinions based on aesthetics, many people often do. Even beyond that, your smile can also bring you either great confidence or be an area of insecurity for you. Whether you wish to improve your confidence with a brand-new smile or want to make great first impressions…
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