The Las Colinas Smiles Blog
What to Do When Your Child is Losing Baby Teeth
It Takes Years to Lose All 20 Baby Teeth As a child grows up, there are a host of milestones that every parent and child can both celebrate. From taking their first step to speaking their first words, young children experience many accomplishments in the early years of their lives. One of these milestones happens to be when a child starts losing baby teeth. While it can be a mildly painful process, young children celebrate losing baby teeth. After all, it doesn’t happen all at once and occurs over a few years. Additionally, they are often school age at this…
Read MoreHow to Properly Brush Your Teeth
Remember to Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day From the moment your baby teeth started growing in, you have been reminded time and time again about the importance of brushing your teeth. After all, your teeth play a vital role in not just the health of your mouth but your entire body. Your teeth help you eat food and help you create the sounds needed to speak properly. Not only that, but your teeth and your self-esteem share a close bond. More than half of Americans feel insecure about their teeth. One of the greatest ways to keep your teeth…
Read MoreYour Teeth and Self-Esteem
Your Teeth and Self-Esteem are Connected Your smile is one of the first things anybody notices about you. A good smile can be welcoming and encourage people to trust you more. However, not everyone loves their smile. Some people may have crooked teeth, discolored teeth, or an overbite, or they are not confident in the way their smile looks. Unfortunately, many people are self-conscious about their smiles. More than half of Americans feel insecure about their teeth. They tend to cover their mouth when they laugh and even try to smile without showing their teeth. While it may not seem…
Read MoreWhat to Expect During a Dental Exam?
Dental Exams Are Crucial to Your Oral Health Dentists and other oral care experts recommend that you regularly visit your dentist for a routine dental exam, at least once every six months or twice a year. These exams play a pivotal role in ensuring that your mouth is healthy and devoid of any harmful conditions. Many oral health conditions exist without making themselves known. The only way to truly discover and diagnose them is with a dental exam. During an exam, your dentist will be able to identify any issues before they become a problem. Over the years, going to…
Read MoreKeeping Your Teeth Healthy in National Candy Month
Candy Is Bad For Your Teeth You would be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t have a favorite candy they like to snack on. There are a host of different candies to choose from, so there’s sure to be one for everyone! We all like to indulge from time to time, and what better month than June? After all, June is National Candy Month! While the thought of eating all the candy you want throughout June is enticing, it’s important to remember how bad too much candy is for your teeth. The sugar in candy collects and fuels bacteria growth…
Read MoreWhat You Should Know About Dentures
Dentures Provide Wearers With Many Benefits While your teeth are extremely strong parts of your body, they are not indestructible. If you do not properly take care of them by brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and regularly visiting your dentist every six months for a dental exam, they can begin to rot and fall out. Even if you take appropriate care of your teeth, their health begins to wane with age. Not even good oral hygiene can stop aging. When people begin to lose their teeth, it leaves an impact on them, both mental and physical. After…
Read MoreWhat Do Bloody Gums Mean?
Bloody Gums are Often a Sign of a Larger Issue Caring for your teeth and practicing proper oral hygiene is crucial to the overall health of your teeth, gums, and mouth. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing daily are two ways to keep your mouth healthy. Whenever you do not take proper care of your oral health and do not practice good hygiene, you put yourself at risk of developing dangerous conditions. Cavities, periodontitis, discoloration, and more are just a few issues that may occur whenever you do not take care of your teeth and mouth.…
Read MoreWhat is a Dental Emergency?
Dental Emergencies Should Be Treated Immediately Dentists and other dental care experts have dedicated their lives to keeping your teeth and mouth healthy and clean. Like other healthcare experts, dentists have spent years learning as much about teeth and oral hygiene to prepare them for treating patients. These highly educated and well-versed individuals offer dental care services, such as dental exams, dental cleanings, extractions, dental x-rays, braces, and more. However, several instances do not count as traditional routine appointments. Many patients suffer from a dental emergency that requires immediate treatment. These dental emergencies often cause a great deal of pain…
Read MoreCOVID-19 and Dentists
COVID-19 Has Impacted Dentists, As Well The world is facing an unprecedented threat, unlike anything we have seen in modern times. Within our great state of Texas and the United States to countries all across the globe, millions of lives are being impacted by the emergence of a brand-new novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19. COVID-19 first surfaced in December 2019 in a food market in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. Shortly after its discovery, the virus made its way across China, eventually crossing Chinese borders and invading surrounding countries. In a few weeks, thanks to international travel, COVID-19 made its…
Read MoreHow Do Braces Work
Braces Do Wonders for Your Teeth Your smile is one of the very first things about you that other people notice. It can go a long way in creating a good first impression. However, not everyone has the benefit of having perfect teeth. Often, many people’s teeth grow in crooked, or they sometimes have a misaligned bite, such as an under- or overbite. Having dental issues like crooked teeth or a misaligned bite can have quite an impact on the health of your mouth and your self-esteem, as well. Fortunately for those with teeth issues, there are multiple ways to…
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