The Importance of Flossing Your Teeth

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Many people underestimate the immense importance of oral care, and especially, flossing. Your oral care isn’t just about the health of your mouth, but the health of your entire body. Multiple studies have shown links between the two. Flossing seems to be a hassle, an extra to-do on their list, and when it doesn’t seem like a must, but it actually is. The truth of the matter is, if everyone understood the importance of flossing, they might move it up on their list of daily to-dos’.

Taking your oral health seriously means going by what the experts say, and that is:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush, with fluoride toothpaste, for two minutes, and
  • floss at least once per day.

Luckily, if you don’t love traditional flossing, there are additional methods: dental flossers, interdental brushes, water-powered flossers, electrical flossing devices, etc. Whatever your method of choice, understanding why you should be flossing regularly is necessary.

Why should you floss?

Flossing helps reach parts of your teeth where plaque tends to build up that your toothbrush cannot reach. Plaque contains more than 500 different bacterial species, some good and some bad. The bad bacteria combined with food particles and water leads to harmful buildup around the teeth and on the gum line. This build-up contributes to the development of tooth and gum disease.

When plaque builds up between and on your teeth, it causes tooth decay, cavities, and a yellow appearance of the teeth. Gum disease eats away at your gums, teeth, and even the supporting bones of your jaw structure. That means gum disease can literally affect the shape of your face and ruin the aesthetics of your smile.

Tips for better flossing

The traditional method of flossing usually ensures the best quality of flossing as well as the best results, but if you must opt for another method that is okay. If there is a little bit of blood when you floss, don’t worry too much. Bleeding is normal for those who haven’t been flossing regularly. When your gums bleed from flossing or brushing it means that the gums are inflamed from plaque buildup. If you start flossing more regularly, the bleeding will stop. If the bleeding continues after regularly flossing, you should make an appointment with your Las Colinas dentist.

Your oral care

Oral health means regular at home care, brushing and flossing, and just as important, visiting your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. You should see your dentist every six months to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy as well as ensure your dentist catches any cavities or gum problems early on.

When it comes to dental care in Las Colinas, having a trusted and caring dental team is important. Here at Cosmetic and Family Dentistry of Las Colina,s we prioritize the health and comfort of our patients first. Call us today to schedule an appointment.