Why Do My Gums Hurt? Oral Health Tips from a Dentist

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If you are experiencing gum pain of any kind, then it is a red flag: your body is signaling that something is wrong and needs to be treated. There are various reasons why you might have gum pain, such as an infection, and the only way to know an exact diagnosis is by visiting a dentist for an examination.

In this article, we are taking a deep dive to look at the potential causes of gum pain – as well as tips you can use to reduce this pain and protect your gum health. It’s important that you pay attention to how your gums are feeling so you know when it’s time to visit a dentist for treatment.

What are the Most Common Reasons for Gum Pain?

If you have a painful gum spot, then it’s likely because of one of these common causes:

  • Gum Infection:Even the early stages of gum disease can cause you to have symptoms such as bleeding, swelling, and inflammation. Small infections can be treated quite easily. But if you delay treatment and don’t visit a dentist, then it’s possible for the small issue to turn into a much bigger infection.
  • Gum Abscess:As periodontal disease progresses, an abscess can form in your gums. This is a big pocket of infection that could also be happening because of tooth decay. A serious infection within the tooth can spread to the gums and cause a lot of pain and discomfort.
  • Plaque Buildup:One of the primary causes of periodontal disease is the buildup of plaque near and beneath the gum line. If plaque is building up on your teeth, it causes the gums to become inflamed and irritated – which can result in pain.
  • Brushing Habits:Don’t brush too aggressively. If you are using a toothbrush with firm bristles and using harsh and fast movements while brushing, it can cause irritation to your gums. A better choice is to use a soft-bristled brush and gentle movements.
  • Hormonal Changes:Did you know that hormonal changes can have a domino effect on many areas of the body, including the mouth? Some women experience gum pain while they are pregnant or during certain times of the month.
  • Dental Appliances:If you are wearing dental appliances that are poorly fit, then the edges could cause irritation and pain to your gums. In order to reduce your gum pain, it’s important that you talk to your dentist about adjustments for these appliances.

When to Talk to Your Dentist About Gum Pain?

Some types of gum pain will go away on their own after a few days. For example, if your gums are a little sore and inflamed, then make sure to improve your brushing and flossing habits. Early stages of gum disease can be cleared up with proper at-home oral hygiene. Or, you might have a small canker sore or mouth ulcer because of something you ate – give it a few days to see if these sores heal on their own.

But there are times when it makes sense to contact a dentist for an appointment. In fact, sometimes gum pain can be a sign that you need emergency dental services. If gum pain is accompanied by a severe toothache and/or abscess, then don’t wait to talk to your dentist. Call our office right away.

Another sign that you need to visit a dentist is if a dental injury occurs. If you have an impact or trauma to the mouth that injures the teeth and/or gums, then it’s important to come into our office without delay.

Other warning signs that you might need a dental treatment for gum pain include:

  • Persistent pain that doesn’t go away
  • Swelling in the gums and around the teeth
  • Bleeding gums when you brush or floss
  • Chronic mouth sores

Some patients ignore gum pain because they are nervous about going to see a dentist. But the reality is that the sooner you visit our office for treatment, the better outcome you might have. Delaying treatment can cause the gum infection to get worse, which might require more intensive treatments in the future.

Untreated gum infections can even cause tooth loss or jawbone damage over time. The sooner we intervene with gum pain and infections, the easier it is to treat this condition.

The Best Tips to Alleviate Gum Pain

What should you do if you are experiencing gum pain? Here are a few things you might try before visiting a dentist:

  • Floss Around the Tooth:Sometimes, alleviating gum pain is as simple as removing stuck food particles from between the teeth. Use dental floss to see if anything is stuck that could be irritating the gums.
  • Brush Your Teeth:After flossing, the next step is to brush your teeth. This will clean the teeth and reduce the risk of plaque and tartar buildup.
  • Consistent Routine:Maintain consistency with your oral health routine. It’s essential that you are brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day. These habits not only address minor gum issues to help your gums heal, but they also reduce the risk of developing gum infections in the future.
  • Lifestyle Habits:Other lifestyle habits can make a difference to protect your teeth and gums. Avoid tobacco, eat a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and avoid sugary or acidic foods.


Why does my gum hurt after eating?

If you have gum pain after eating, it could be caused by trapped food particles or underlying gum disease. Brush your teeth after the meal to see if it helps to alleviate the discomfort.

Why does my gum hurt when I brush my teeth?

If you are brushing too hard or using a toothbrush with firm bristles, then it’s possible that your brushing technique is causing gum irritation. Switch to a soft-bristled brush and be gentle with your movements.

Why does my gum hurt and there’s no tooth there?

Gum pain without a tooth in that area could be caused by an emerging tooth or inflammation due to gum disease.

Call for a Dental Appointment

If you have gum pain, then our dental team is here to help. Contact Cosmetic & Family Dentistry of Las Colinas to book your appointment and meet with an experienced dentist.