The Las Colinas Smiles Blog

What To Expect After A Root Canal Treatment

If you are about to have a root canal for the first time, you may be wondering what you should expect after the treatment. Many patients get quite nervous when they hear the words, “root canal,” but it is much less scary than you might think. Although it may seem undesirable, you will actually feel much better after the procedure and be glad that you had it done. Learning a bit more about the treatment may help you to feel better about it. When is a root canal procedure needed? The root canal procedure is usually needed when a patient’s…

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How To Care for Your Teeth While Traveling

When you are traveling, whether it is for work or for pleasure, falling out of one’s normal routine and schedule can often lead to a disruption of one’s normal activities, especially those that are related to one’s healthy habits. When you are thrown into a different environment focusing your attention can be difficult to continue with, your workout regimens, your diet, and your oral hygiene routines. However, if you are planning on traveling you should try and make a plan ahead of time in order to stay on top of your health, including your dental health. As it can be…

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4 Dental Health Myths

Your oral health is associated with your overall health, as these things tend to connect. Surely, you know the basics of keeping a clean mouth healthy; from brushing twice a day, flossing at least once a day, making sure to consistently visit your family dentist in Irving for a checkup, however, there may have been a thing or two that you have heard about dental health that is nothing but a myth. When it comes to taking care of your teeth you need to know what is true and what isn’t, so, keep on reading to learn the truth behind…

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How often should you replace your toothbrush? 

You would be surprised at how often you really should be replacing your toothbrush or electric toothbrush head. While one of the most common unpracticed necessary oral care routines is flossing, second up is replacing one’s toothbrush. According to the American Dental Association (ADA) one should be replacing their toothbrush around every three months. However, some dentists will tell you, that although this is a good general rule to follow, it depends on how you use your toothbrush. The main factor being, how often you use your toothbrush. If you brush your teeth as you should, which is at least…

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Are smokers at a greater risk of tooth loss? 

If you are a smoker, it is likely that you have been told constantly about the damaging effects that is associated with cigarettes. With commercials, media and even on the packaging of the cigarette boxes you purchase, there is nowhere to escape the warning signs everywhere. Although many people may mention all the side effects of smoking for example, like “it causes cancer,” however, not many know about the other effects it may have on your health. According to a research study published in the Journal of Dental Research, those who smoke have a higher risk of tooth loss than…

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5 ways to soothe sensitive teeth 

Tooth sensitivity is not to be taken lightly, as it can easily disrupt all of your day to day activities. According to the Journal of the American Dental Association, one in every eight adults suffers from tooth sensitivity; and depending on the severity, actions such as eating, drinking, and even talking can become painful when suffering from this condition. Tooth sensitivity can range from a dull aching, to tingling, to sharp pains, and even cause headaches and jaw pain. Regardless of the severity, it is likely that you are ready to do something about your sensitive teeth. So, let’s talk…

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What Your Teeth Say About Your Overall Health

Whenever we think of our dental health, we have a tendency to think only about our teeth, such as prevention of cavities, teeth whitening, etc. However, you may be surprised to learn how much your mouth and teeth have to do with the overall health of your body. Let’s go over some clues that your teeth can give you as to better understand the rest of your body’s health… Clue #1 Your teeth are worn down and/or flat If you have noticed that your teeth seem worn down or appear shorter or flatter than they were in the past, this…

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4 Tips for Healthy Summer Smiles

It is a normal thing for people to have a tendency to want to look their best during the summer months. We want a tan, healthy hair, a healthy physique, and of course, a beautiful and healthy smile. Summer is a time for a lot of social activity, events, parties, weddings, traveling with friends and family, and it is one of the most prominent times of the year that we yearn for that pearly white and happy smile. Summer is all about being social, and that means that generally, we want to look our best. In order to look your…

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How does diabetes affect your oral health?

All the functions of our body work together to keep us healthy and moving. Many times, having one health deficiency can lead to multiple symptoms in different parts of the body, or even other health deficiency. It’s important to keep your oral health in check the best you can to also sustain the rest of your body’s proper functioning as well. You should know that if you suffer from diabetes, it is extremely important that you stay on top of your dental health to prevent any possible issues that could lead to long-term damage. If you are someone who suffers…

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How do cavities form?

Cavities are one of the most common oral related problems that people find themselves going to the dentist for, and yet many of us don’t even really know how cavities form. Sure, most of us learn when we are kids what to do to prevent cavities, from avoiding eating too much sugar and candy to always make sure to regularly brush and floss our teeth. But, even though most of us know how to prevent cavities, that doesn’t mean we all know how exactly the cavities form. So, let’s talk about it. Cavities are a consequence of tooth decay, which…

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