The Las Colinas Smiles Blog

7 foods to stay away from for healthy teeth

When it comes to having a healthy smile and mouth, it is necessary to be vigilant in the consistency of properly caring for your teeth. What exactly does maintaining a healthy smile and mouth entail? It means brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing at least once a day, visiting your family dentist in Irving for a checkup and cleaning twice a year, never using your teeth as tools, and, what we will be telling you about today, avoiding consumption of certain foods that are bad for your teeth. In order to prevent your teeth from building up…

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5 signs you have a healthy mouth

Maintaining your mouth’s health is extremely important, especially if you want to prevent future problems as you age. Many people neglect their mouth and fail to follow all the rules and guidelines that their dentist sets in place for them. But having a healthy mouth is important for multiple reasons. The most relevant reasons being that it is how we as humans eat, chew, and taste our food, it is our smile, which is a representation of who we are. It is important to take care of your mouth, your teeth, gums, tongue, and lips. And you should be consistently…

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How Does Smoking Affect Your Teeth?

It’s no secret that smoking wreaks havoc on your health and comes with a long-lasting, negative impact. Decades ago we were unsure about the implications of tobacco and smoking on your health, but today we know better and there is endless scientific information out there showing just how bad smoking is for you. Not only is it bad for your lungs and overall health, but smoking can ruin your teeth and gums. However, smoking is a very addictive behavior that can be difficult to just give up on a whim. If you or anyone you know has ever tried to…

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How to keep cavities away

Cavities are no fun, and keeping your teeth, gums, and mouth healthy are extremely important. Regular care of your mouth throughout your life will benefit you greatly down the line in avoiding tooth decay, tooth loss, and things like gum disease. Certain people are of course more susceptible genetically to certain mouth problems, but regardless of your genetic build up, it is extremely important to care for your teeth, gums, and entire mouth. Unfortunately, the things many of us love, like sugary and starchy foods and drinks, can make our teeth highly susceptible to getting cavities. Children are especially at…

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What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath. We all have some experience with it, whether you’ve suffered from it yourself or been around someone else who does. Bad breath isn’t just embarrassing and annoying, but it can have a dramatic impact on your relationships, professional life, and self-confidence. The first step to tackling bad breath is understanding what causes it and what you can do about it. In many cases, bad breath doesn’t just mean your co-worker forgot to brush their teeth this morning, it is actually a more serious dental or medical issue. The official name for bad breath is halitosis, an inconvenient condition…

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Is Coffee Really Bad for My Teeth?

We’ve all heard it before - coffee doesn’t just give you bad breath, it stains your teeth. As much as we would like to tell you this isn’t true, the fact of the matter it is. Coffee is one of the most harmful substances for your teeth and can have a lasting impact. Even people who drink just one cup of coffee a week can experience staining and other harmful repercussions. According to a recent study, Americans consume a shocking 400 million cups of coffee every single day. While many people think they need the caffeine boost to function, is…

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A Cavity Free Halloween

Halloween is just a few short days away, and you know what that means: candy, candy, and more candy. A favorite holiday of the young and old alike, Halloween is notoriously a cavity-inducing holiday. This joyful time of year is undoubtedly packed with parties, the fun of dressing up, carving pumpkins, and trick-or-treating, of course. For many kids, Halloween is the ultimate holiday - because of both the dressing up and the candy. The steady flow of treats starts well before Halloween, as many stores start stocking the shelves with candy corn and all the other goodies well before October.…

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What You Don’t Know About Saliva

Saliva. Probably not everyone’s favorite subject, but nonetheless an important part of our bodies that should be discussed. While most of us don’t give much thought to the saliva in our mouths, truth be told it is one of the most fascinating components of the human body. Sure, cringe when we see someone drool or spit, but saliva is actually pretty darn cool. Not only is it an essential part of your oral health, but your overall well-being, too. When you think about oral health and taking the steps to keep your mouth, teeth, and gums healthy, you probably picture…

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Diabetes and your dental health

All of our bodily functions are linked, in one way or another. Having neck pain can cause headaches or lead to back pain, which can lead to hip pain, which can lead to, well, it can lead to most any part of your body. The point is, having certain gaps in your health can affect the health of another part of you, and it’s important that you keep your health in check to your best ability in order to keep the rest of your body functioning properly as well. In which case, if you suffer from diabetes, it is vital…

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Tobacco: Your teeth’s arch nemeses

At Cosmetics & Family Dentistry of Las Colinas in Irving, Texas, we have all your dental cleaning needs and answers. Dental care is a very sensitive (ouch!) and important part of your overall health. It becomes even more important when we have some habits that are hard to kick, especially tobacco. Our dental team believes that just because you smoke does not mean you do not care about your dental hygiene. So, we have decided to share some facts with you about tobacco and your teeth. It is widely accepted that tobacco smoking has numerous adverse effects on your health,…

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