The Las Colinas Smiles Blog
What’s causing my toothache?
If you have been experiencing a toothache, especially one that is ongoing, you may be wondering what could be the cause? Toothaches are not only painful but extremely frustrating as well, we use our mouths quite a lot throughout the day. Not only can toothaches cause long-standing pain and sensitivity in your mouth, but the pain can even start to spread to your whole head; and in the long run, if the pain endures long enough, these toothaches can result in migraines and nausea. If you are suffering from a toothache, not only do you need to understand why, but…
Read MoreAre lemons bad for your teeth?
It is quite possible that you have heard before that lemons or other citrus fruits are bad for your teeth. And you may be wondering, could this be true? And if so, why? Many people love to enjoy their ice-cold water, with a wedge of lemon, as most of us have only heard wonderful things about the benefits. From digestion aid, nutritional benefits, immune system boosts, antioxidant activities, inflammation reduction, curbing of hunger cravings, breath freshening, toxin flushing, mucus reduction, alkalinity balance, anti-bacterial properties, to reduction in joint pain, there are a TON of benefits of adding some fresh lemon…
Read MoreThe benefits of Invisalign
If you have found yourself desiring a more straight and aesthetic smile, you may be considering the available options. Our smile is a such an important representation of who we are, how we feel, and it is a source of joy for others as well. These are just a couple of the reasons why we all desire to have a beautiful smile. Many people are nixing the conventional metal braces and heading over to an Invisalign dentist in Las Colinas. Conventional metal braces require much more difficult maintenance and are physically less aesthetically pleasing to people over the alternative option…
Read More7 foods to stay away from for healthy teeth
When it comes to having a healthy smile and mouth, it is necessary to be vigilant in the consistency of properly caring for your teeth. What exactly does maintaining a healthy smile and mouth entail? It means brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing at least once a day, visiting your family dentist in Irving for a checkup and cleaning twice a year, never using your teeth as tools, and, what we will be telling you about today, avoiding consumption of certain foods that are bad for your teeth. In order to prevent your teeth from building up…
Read MoreWhat is bone grafting?
If you are missing a tooth, or maybe several, your Irving dentist may have suggested that you consider getting dental implants to replace the missing teeth. Dental implants are an excellent way to regain the physical feel and aesthetic look of your teeth, mouth, and smile. The implants look, feel, and function the same as your natural teeth, and will go unnoticed by onlookers of your smile. If you are considering getting dental implants, you are likely asking questions about the procedure and oral surgery. When attending your consultation with your family dentist, you may have been informed of the…
Read More5 signs you have a healthy mouth
Maintaining your mouth’s health is extremely important, especially if you want to prevent future problems as you age. Many people neglect their mouth and fail to follow all the rules and guidelines that their dentist sets in place for them. But having a healthy mouth is important for multiple reasons. The most relevant reasons being that it is how we as humans eat, chew, and taste our food, it is our smile, which is a representation of who we are. It is important to take care of your mouth, your teeth, gums, tongue, and lips. And you should be consistently…
Read MoreHow long do veneers last?
Veneers are a wonderful option for people looking to replenish their mouth’s aesthetics. There are a lot of different reasons people get veneers, from tooth decay, to deep stains, to crooked or unevenness of the bite, to ground down teeth in TMJ sufferers, etc., no matter the reason, they can help to restore one’s natural looking and beautiful smile. If you are looking to get veneers or maybe even have recently gotten them put in, you may be wondering a bit more about how long these porcelain caps will last... Just like one’s natural teeth, it is of extreme importance…
Read MoreOops! I chipped a tooth! Now what?
Chipping a tooth can naturally lead some people into a panic, but not to worry, first things first, you should schedule an appointment with your nearby by Irving dentist. But for now, keep reading and we will answer your questions as to what to do next. Depending on how bad the chip is and the way it occurred, we’ll usually determine whether any pain is felt. Typically, the chip itself will be responsible for pain if it is large enough to expose the inner nerves of the tooth. However, as a symptom of a chipped tooth, you may notice increased…
Read MoreElectric vs. Manual Toothbrush
You’ve likely noticed that the oral hygiene aisle has changed at your local drugstore, featuring a wide range of fancy-looking electric toothbrushes and more. While many people have a hard time straying from their trusty manual toothbrush, the number of electric toothbrushes out there today make it a topic worth exploring. Brushing your teeth is an important part of everyday life and something we’ve all grown up doing. Most people brush twice a day without giving it much thought. If you’ve considered stepping up your toothbrush game and making the switch to electric, you’re not alone. We often field the…
Read MoreIs Zoom Teeth Whitening for me?
It’s the holiday season. So, what does that mean for your teeth? Well, other than all the holiday sugary treats, it usually means lots of red wine as well as lots of coffee and hot cocoa. And believe it or not, another little sneaky holiday food that can stain your teeth is cranberries. After or even during indulging in these things, you may be realizing it is time to get those teeth of yours whitened for the new year. If you are considering getting your teeth whitened, you may be wondering what options there are out there, and you may…
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